We also wanted to study the infection kinetics of TBE in a rodent hosting the computer virus in nature. immediately if any symptoms were seen. Two contamination experiments were undertaken, a first examining the acute phase of contamination and a second to assess prolonged contamination (Table 1). Table 1 Timescales of the experimental contamination studies. D149 Dye served as negative controls. Selected brains of voles sacrificed at 8 and 12 dpi that exhibited an inflammatory infiltrate were also stained for leukocyte markers (CD3 for T cells, CD79a for B cells and lysozyme for macrophages and neutrophils), to characterize the infiltrating leukocyte populace, and were stained for cleaved caspase-3 to demonstrate apoptotic cell death, following previously published protocols [30], [31]. Cell culture computer virus isolation Vero E6 cells were incubated with homogenized (brain) tissue specimens from voles euthanized at 168 dpi that had been tested positive by RT-PCR. Cells were passaged up to 9 occasions, every 4C7 days. At each passaging, a proportion of cells was fixed on a microscope slide with acetone for 7 min, followed by an immunofluorescence assay (IFA) to detect infected cells, incubating slides with anti-TBEV rabbit polyclonal antibodies (raised against TicoVac Junior vaccine, Baxter) and polyclonal swine anti-rabbit FITC conjugate (Dako) for 30 min at 37C. Real-time RT-PCR for TBEV was performed as explained above, on RNA extracted from cell supernatants using the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Statistical analysis The persistence of the three TBEV subtypes in different organs of infected lender voles was analyzed using GLMM (generalized linear mixed modeling) with binomial error distributions and a logit link function. In the full model, the three TBEV subtypes (TBEV-Eur, TBEV-Sib and TBEV-FE), time as dpi, tissue type (brain, lung, spleen, kidney, serum), and all their two- and three-way interactions were used as fixed factors. To account for repeated measurements from your same voles, a random intercept was allowed for each animal. The full model was reduced by removing fixed effects sequentially if their inclusion did not decrease AICc (sample number adjusted information criterion) by more than D149 Dye two models [32]. All models were fitted using the Laplace approximation method (lmer function of lme4 package [33] in the R software [34]. Results Acute phase contamination study The first, acute phase study targeted TBEV-infected lender voles between 4 and 25 dpi (Table 1). Three strains originating from ticks and representing the three subtypes of TBEV were used. Each group of 13 individuals was inoculated subcutaneously with one of the strains using 100 ffu D149 Dye of computer virus. Infected animals were housed in isolated cages under BSL-3 conditions. All voles inoculated with TBEV-Eur or TBEV-FE produced specific IgG antibodies, i.e. seroconverted to TBEV and/or were shown to be systemically TBEV infected based on the presence of viral RNA in their organs. However, only 8/13 lender voles inoculated with TBEV-Sib were found positive for TBEV by either of the two methods (Table S1). At 4 dpi, all animals except for one TBEV-FE infected vole, were viremic, as D149 Dye shown by the presence of viral RNA in the serum. They all tested positive for viral RNA in the brain. Other organs were also positive for viral RNA, i.e.the spleen in all animals, the lungs D149 Dye in all but one TBEV-Sib infected animal, and the kidneys in all TBEV-FE, two TBEV-Eur and one TBEV-Sib infected vole. The histological assessment of the Rabbit polyclonal to ACC1.ACC1 a subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), a multifunctional enzyme system.Catalyzes the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA, the rate-limiting step in fatty acid synthesis.Phosphorylation by AMPK or PKA inhibits the enzymatic activity of ACC.ACC-alpha is the predominant isoform in liver, adipocyte and mammary gland.ACC-beta is the major isoform in skeletal muscle and heart.Phosphorylation regulates its activity. brain from TBEV-Eur and -FE infected animals did not detect any pathological changes, nor did immunohistology detect viral antigen expression. One TBEV-Sib infected lender vole exhibited a focal macrophage-dominated inflammatory infiltration in the frontal cortex, but viral antigen was not detected by immunohistology. The animals did not exhibit TBEV serum antibodies (Physique 1). However, spleens generally exhibited relatively large follicles with developing germinal centers that contained numerous apoptotic cells. Open in a separate window Physique 1 Antibody response in TBEV-infected lender voles.Antibody response (Vienna models of EIA, mean 95% confidence interval) in TBEV-infected lender voles during the short-term (closed symbols) and the long-term experiment (open symbols). Strains that differ statistically significantly within a day post contamination (P 0.05 in pairwise Tukey contrasts) are marked with.
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