Month: March 2022

Of course, our model has many limitations and the real-life immune dynamics may show a more nuanced behavior in which the immunity could be lost after a certain period of time, renewed under certain levels of new exposures to the virus, or even lost again if the additional exposures are too (or too less) frequent; further investigation into the determinants of the immune dynamics is necessary to unveil the conditions of the correct and impaired immune response

Of course, our model has many limitations and the real-life immune dynamics may show a more nuanced behavior in which the immunity could be lost […]

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HKK-stimulated entire blood following lysis (5) and TNF-activated endothelium without blood (6) shown as controls Table?1 Semi-quantitative light microscopic analysis of PLAs adherence to TNF-stimulated endothelium in response to different stimuli whole bloodstream

HKK-stimulated entire blood following lysis (5) and TNF-activated endothelium without blood (6) shown as controls Table?1 Semi-quantitative light microscopic analysis of PLAs adherence to TNF-stimulated […]

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Three (PHYCI_257012, PHYCI_95983 and PHYCI_305326) of six other homologous sequences are missing 5 data which might have included secretion signal and RxLR domains; one (PHYCI_194603) of the six sequences is missing 3 data which might have included a Nudix domain; and two (PHYCI_130927 and PHYCI_552641) of the six sequences are missing 5 and 3 data

Three (PHYCI_257012, PHYCI_95983 and PHYCI_305326) of six other homologous sequences are missing 5 data which might have included secretion signal and RxLR domains; one (PHYCI_194603) […]

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