Category: Histamine H3 Receptors

To explore the immune mechanism further, the expression of memory T and Tfh cells was assessed in low responders (inhibition level<45%) and high responders (inhibition level >80%) to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in the PLWH group using movement cytometry

To explore the immune mechanism further, the expression of memory T and Tfh cells was assessed in low responders (inhibition level80%) to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines […]

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Even so, the actual fact that the patient initially presented acute optic neuritis associated with MOG-IgG followed by neuropsychiatric disturbance highly suggestive of autoimmune encephalitis appears to support the involvement of intermolecular epitope spreading from MOG to Caspr2 in the pathogenesis of the possible coexisting syndrome

Even so, the actual fact that the patient initially presented acute optic neuritis associated with MOG-IgG followed by neuropsychiatric disturbance highly suggestive of autoimmune encephalitis […]

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Three (PHYCI_257012, PHYCI_95983 and PHYCI_305326) of six other homologous sequences are missing 5 data which might have included secretion signal and RxLR domains; one (PHYCI_194603) of the six sequences is missing 3 data which might have included a Nudix domain; and two (PHYCI_130927 and PHYCI_552641) of the six sequences are missing 5 and 3 data

Three (PHYCI_257012, PHYCI_95983 and PHYCI_305326) of six other homologous sequences are missing 5 data which might have included secretion signal and RxLR domains; one (PHYCI_194603) […]

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