However, an easy, sensitive, and inexpensive alternate, i.e., Antibody Test, is now being used to identify SARS-COV-2. The total antibody seropositivity was higher in males than females (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.110C1.340). The symptomatic subjects had 2.18 times higher odds of IgG Tetrahydrouridine seropositivity while 1.2 times for IgM seropositivity than the asymptomatic subjects. The multivariable logistic regression model showed that the odds of SARS-CoV-2 total antibody seroprevalence were affected by the number of dependents (OR?=?1.077; 95% CI 1.054C1.099), apparent symptomology (OR?=?1.288; 95% CI 1.011C1.643), close unprotected contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 (OR 2.470; 95% CI 2.164C2.819), traveling history (last 14?days) (OR?=?1.537; 95% CI 1.234C1.914) and proximity TM4SF18 with someone who traveled (OR?=?1.534; 95% CI 1.241C1.896). Conclusion We found a reasonable seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the studied population. Several factors like the number of dependents, apparent symptoms, close unprotected contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, traveling history, and proximity with someone who traveled are associated with increased odds of SARS-CoV-2 antibody seropositivity. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Tetrahydrouridine Seroprevalence, IgM, IgG, Risk Factors, Potential Predictors Introduction After emerging from Wuhan, the novel Coronavirus has rapidly transmitted throughout the world. It is now regarded as a pandemic [1], accompanied by a varying range of mild symptoms including cough, fever, cold and body ache and even severe, like Acute Severe Respiratory Distress (ASRD) become the leading cause of death among these patients [2C4]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) reports, we now have more than 296 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 5 million deaths worldwide [5]. Locally in Pakistan, the first two cases were reported in February 2020, having a travel history from Iran. Although all preventive measures were taken to contain the disease, unfortunately, around 1,301,141 cases have been identified since then, accounting for 28,961 deaths [6]. But the concern regarding disease control, morbidity, and mortality in Pakistan remains; it is Tetrahydrouridine claimed that 415,352 cases have successfully recovered [6], possibly due to low testing rates in Pakistan compared to the rest of the world [7]. One of the significant reasons for limited testing facilities is the restricted healthcare budget and resources [7]. As COVID-19 has become a global threat, early Tetrahydrouridine detection and prevention of viral spread have become crucial. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is recognized as the gold standard diagnostic technique as it helps in the early recognition of COVID-19 [8]. Although, due to compromised test sensitivity in association with inadequate sample collection, the time between sample collection, the onset of symptoms, and the fluctuation in viral load [9] linger the duration. However, an easy, sensitive, and inexpensive alternate, i.e., Antibody Test, is now being used to identify SARS-COV-2. Antibody screening through serological assays helps Tetrahydrouridine determine the actual frequency and seroprevalence of the virus [10]. The antibodies IgG and IgM can be detected within 1C3?weeks after exposure to Coronavirus. A rapid increase in the antibody level and the seroconversion rate is observed during the first two weeks [11]. Presently the seroconversion rate is being widely studied in order to understand its dynamics, specifically from acute to convalescent phases [12]. It has been found that the IgM and IgA growth after exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is relatively slow compared to other acute viral infections contributing to its heterogeneous pathogenicity [13]. Old age, pre-existing comorbid conditions, low CD3?+?CD8?+?T-cells levels, high troponin I and d-dimer levels have been recognized as the major risk factors associated with seropositivity and mortality among the infected patients [14C17]. More recently, studies conducted in Shenzhen, including 1286 close contacts (98 COVID positive cases) and Guangzhou including 2098 close contacts (134 COVID positive cases), discovered that significant risk factors for COVID-19 infection were among older age and traveling outside or inside the country, etc [18, 19]. Additionally, a Taiwanese study identified exposure to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 as a risk factor [20]. In the current study, we used a large dataset, including 17,764 participants from Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, and Quetta, to estimate the seroprevalence of.
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