According to the cutoff value 20 RU/mL offered in the users manual, the level of sensitivity and specificity of the kit in the analysis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy were 97.5% and 100%, respectively. antibody. The titer of anti-PLA2R antibody was significantly correlated with both TUpro and serum Alb levels of pre- and post-therapeutic ideals in IMN (test for continuous variables. Spearman rank correlation was used to assess associations between 2 variables with asymmetric distribution. Results General info With this study, the serum samples of 122 individuals with idiopathic membranous nephropathy, 118 individuals with additional kidney diseases, and 87 healthy subjects were recognized by renal biopsies in our hospital. According to the cutoff value 20 RU/mL offered in the users Rabbit Polyclonal to FOXC1/2 manual, the level of sensitivity and specificity of the kit in the analysis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy were 97.5% and 100%, respectively. It was preliminarily approved that this value met the experimental requirements. The OD value and the negative and positive results were imported into SPSS software, and the ROC curve was acquired as demonstrated in Number 1. The results display that when the cutoff value was 20 RU/mL, the diagnostic effectiveness was greater. Open in a separate window Number 1 Level of sensitivity and specificity of ROC curve analysis about cutoff value. AUC=0.937, standard error=0.03, P0.000, 95% CI (0.83C0.95). Seventy-two individuals with nephrotic syndrome were diagnosed as having IMN (48 males, 24 females, average age 5120.6 years), 48 patients also had hypertension (HTN), and 12 patients had type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Among them, 56 individuals experienced positive anti-PLA2R antibody (average age 5115.2 years), which accounted for 77.7% (38 of them were male). HTN accounted for 67.8% and T2DM accounted for 17.8%. Another 16 individuals (10 males, common age 5010.6 years) had bad anti-PLA2R antibody, which BD-AcAc 2 accounted for 22.3%. There were 10 instances of HTN and 2 case of T2DM, which accounted for 62.5% and 12.5%, respectively. Observation guidelines analysis There were no significant variations in age, sex, HTN, or T2DM between anti-PLA2R antibody-positive and ?bad groups (is the mechanism involved [8]. The incidence rate of anti-PLA2R antibody in IMN individuals was previously reported to be 52C78% worldwide [4], but a higher incidence rate of 81.7C96.4% has been reported in China [5,9,10]; this discrepancy may be due to variations in genetic backgrounds. We found that 77.7% of IMN individuals were anti-PLA2R antibody-positive, which is slightly lower than in previous Chinese studies. This may be because we did not regularly conduct IgG subtype staining, so there might have been secondary membranous nephropathy individuals intermingled into our observation group. Our study showed that there were no significant variations in age, sex, HTN, or T2DM between anti-PLA2R antibody-positive and ?bad groups, but UTpro was significantly higher and Alb was significantly reduced the antibody-positive group (P<0.05). We also found that TUpro and Alb levels were correlated with anti-PLA2R antibody levels, in agreement with previous reports [11]. Total and total remission (25% and 67.8%, respectively) in the antibody-positive group were lower than those matched values of 50% and 75% in the antibody-negative group, but no statistically significant difference was observed(P>0.05) (Table 5). The higher remission rates in the antibody-negative group might be due to the comparatively slight immuno-activity of the disease, and previous study [5] found that serum anti-PLA2R antibody levels were correlated with disease activity. The disease activity was comparatively low in individuals with lower titer of antibody or without antibody when serum samples were extracted. We found higher remission rates in the antibody-negative group, but there was no statistically significant difference between the 2 organizations, and this might be due in part to our small sample BD-AcAc 2 sizes. Ruggenenti et al. [12] found that initial low titer of antibody and transferred bad antibody after 6 months of treatment were the best predictors for disease remission, as a higher initial serum antibody titer is definitely associated with a lower rate of disease remission. In the mean time, detection of dynamic BD-AcAc 2 changes in antibody titer in individuals with total and partial remissions can forecast relapse, and an increase in titer of antibody precedes the proteinuria rise [13]. Zhen Qu et al. found that higher levels of.
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