In contrast, NHEJ repairs DSBs by connecting two free chromosome ends together with little requirement for sequence homology, which leads to a high frequency of chromosome misarrangements (1). However, the mechanisms of how progerin Saracatinib (AZD0530) leads to massive SMC loss are unknown. In this study, using SMCs differentiated from HGPS induced pluripotent stem cells, we show that Rabbit Polyclonal to PKR HGPS SMCs exhibit a profound proliferative defect, which is primarily caused by caspase-independent cell death. Importantly, progerin accumulation stimulates a powerful suppression of PARP1 and consequently triggers an activation of the error-prone nonhomologous end joining response. As a result, most HGPS SMCs exhibit prolonged mitosis and die of mitotic catastrophe. This study demonstrates a critical role of PARP1 in mediating SMC loss in patients with HGPS and elucidates a molecular pathway underlying the progressive SMC loss in progeria. DNA damage often arises as a result of normal cellular processes. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), the byproducts of cellular metabolism, can damage DNA bases and block the progression of replication, leading to replication fork collapse and double-strand breaks (DSBs). DSBs can also be induced by environmental factors including irradiation, chemical agents, or UV light (1). A gradual accumulation of DSBs and a decline in DNA repair capacity are suggested to play a causative role in normal physiological aging (2). Defects in DNA damage repair result in at least three premature aging diseases: xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy (3). In addition, impaired DNA repair has also been implicated in the development of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease, and Huntington disease (4). At the cellular level, DSBs are potent inducers of cell death. If left unrepaired, DSBs can trigger p53-mediated cell cycle arrest and programmed cell death; on the other hand, if repaired inaccurately, DSBs can cause small or large scale chromosome alterations, which can lead to premature entry into mitosis and mitotic cell death (mitotic catastrophe) (5). Two separate pathways control the repair of DBSs: homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). HR repairs DSBs using the undamaged sister chromosome as a template, which effectively protects genome integrity. In contrast, NHEJ repairs DSBs by connecting two free chromosome ends together with little requirement for sequence homology, which leads to a high frequency of chromosome misarrangements (1). Normally these two pathways antagonize each other, and the choice between these two is under precise control by a group of regulators including 53BP1, BRCA1/2, and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) (6, 7). Among these regulators, PARP1 acts as an essential molecular switch controlling the Saracatinib (AZD0530) activities of HR and NHEJ pathways. The classic function of PARP1 is involved in sensing and initiating DNA single-strand break (SSB) repair. A previous study demonstrated that treating an HR-deficient cell line with a PARP1 inhibitor led to abnormal chromosome karyotypes and significantly reduced cell survival, suggesting that PARP1 mediates the suppression of NHEJ upon DSBs Saracatinib (AZD0530) (6). This sensitivity to a PARP1 inhibitor in the HR-deficient cells could be a combined effect of the PARP1s dual roles in DNA damage repair. First, inhibition of PARP1 hinders SSB repair, and the unrepaired SSBs develop into DSBs. More importantly, inhibition of PARP1 removes the suppression of NHEJ, which results in chromosome aberrations and subsequent cell death in these HR-deficient cells. HutchinsonCGilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), the most drastic form of premature aging diseases, is characterized by multiple aging-related clinical features including growth retardation, lipodystrophy, alopecia, bone abnormalities, and severe cardiovascular defects (8, 9). Patients with HGPS typically start to display premature onset of aging-related pathologies at 12C24 mo of age and die in their early teens of heart attacks or strokes. Over 80% of HGPS cases are caused by a de novo mutation (1824 CT) in exon 11 of the human gene (10). This mutation activates an alternative splice donor site,.
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