The samples were incubated with primary antibodies at 4C overnight, which are listed in Table S2. CK7 expressing cholangiocytes. PV: portal vein. Scale bar?=?100 m. E: Absolute number of CK7 positive cells per portal vein in sectioned area at indicated point. Data are mean SD (n?=?3).(TIF) pone.0104776.s002.tif (2.4M) GUID:?5A5B130D-719E-47C3-994E-4AA77A9F4A59 Table S1: Genomic PCR primers used in this study. (DOCX) pone.0104776.s003.docx (36K) GUID:?D48416F6-42D6-4237-99F6-FAC90CC8B0BA Table S2: Antibodies used in this study. (DOCX) pone.0104776.s004.docx (39K) GUID:?BD73E696-56C5-467E-AA76-7E315079D3DB Table S3: The quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR primers used in this study. (DOCX) pone.0104776.s005.docx (65K) GUID:?BC942C91-EE47-4495-A835-2E18F3749C23 Table S4: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation-PCR primers used in this study. (DOCX) pone.0104776.s006.docx (35K) GUID:?D01C4053-CF9B-4C67-972E-6F73526BCFAE Table S5: List of categories identified by the pathway analysis on significantly up-regulated genes by Ezh2 SET domain depletion (2-fold change). (DOCX) pone.0104776.s007.docx (89K) GUID:?0B10059C-FF3A-4B61-80D7-953AA0588532 Table S6: List of categories identified by the pathway analysis on significantly up-regulated genes by Ezh2 SET domain name depletion (8-fold change). (DOCX) pone.0104776.s008.docx (44K) GUID:?56530D34-4912-4B24-81EA-2778E4B69748 Table S7: Liver developmental LMK-235 gene signatures was decreased by Ezh2 SET domain depletion. (DOCX) pone.0104776.s009.docx (100K) GUID:?B473445F-B71B-41B0-AD65-5300E32CFBF4 Table S8: Gene Ontology (GO) analyses of down-regulated genes by Ezh2 depletion. (DOCX) pone.0104776.s010.docx (66K) GUID:?C0E0F1C9-7183-4DFB-93D5-69D007AA7476 Abstract In embryonic liver, hepatic progenitor cells are actively proliferating and generate a fundamental cellular pool for establishing parenchymal components. However, the molecular basis for the growth of the progenitors maintaining their immature state remains elusive. LMK-235 LMK-235 Polycomb group proteins regulate gene expression throughout the genome by modulating of chromatin structure and play crucial roles in development. (in the regulation of the expanding hepatic progenitor populace fetal livers revealed that this bi-potent clonogenicity was significantly attenuated by the Ezh2 loss of function. Moreover, a marker expression based analysis and a global gene expression analysis showed that this knockout of Ezh2 inhibited differentiation to hepatocyte LMK-235 with reduced expression of a number of liver-function related genes. Taken together, our results indicate that Ezh2 is required for the hepatic progenitor growth inhibited proliferation of cultured hepatic progenitor cells and induced expression of hepatic differentiation marker genes, suggesting a blocking effect of Ezh2 for differentiation [19]. In liver development actually regulates proliferation of hepatic progenitor populace and differentiation. As early embryonic lethality of knockout mice by ED 7.5 has impeded elucidation of Ezh2 function in liver development, we employed a conditional knockout mouse model, inducing deletion of LMK-235 a SET domain in that catalyzes tri-methylation of H3K27, upon tamoxifen (TAM) administration. In the present study, we show that this conditional knockout of functional domain name causes significant blockade of liver growth. Ezh2 function is essential for growth of hepatic progenitor populace, and its loss of function results in decreased expression of hepatic differentiation marker genes and also functional genes for liver. Materials and Methods Mice Pregnant C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Japan SLC (Japan). Ezh2F/F mice were crossed with Rosa26::CreER(T2)+/? mice [16]. For conditional deletion of Ezh2, Ezh2F/F mouse had alleles in which exons 18 and 19 encoding the SET catalytic domain were flanked with loxP sequences. To induce CreER(T2) activity, mice were injected with 4-hydroxy tamoxifen (TAM; Sigma-Aldrich, Switzerland) at a dose of 1 1 mg/body intraperitoneally for 3 consecutive days. Mice were bred and maintained in the Animal Research Facility of the Graduate School of Yokohama City University in accordance with institutional guidelines. All animal experiments in this study were performed under approval from the institutional animal care and use committee of Yokohama City University (Permit Number: 11-64). Genomic PCR Genotype of Rosa26::CreER(T2)+/? Ezh2F/F fetal mice was confirmed with extracted genomic DNA from their limbs. PCR reaction was performed by Fast Cycling PCR kit (Qiagen, Germany). Primer sequences for CreER(T2)+/? were listed in Table S1. Preparation of fetal liver cells Livers were acquired from fetal mice at embryonic day (ED) 11.5, 13.5, 15.5, and 17.5 of timed pregnant mice, and CreER(T2)+/? Ezh2F/F (depleted) and CreER(T2)?/? Ezh2F/F (the control) fetal mice at ED 13.5 (TAM; ED 8.5C10.5) and 18.5 (TAM; ED 10.5C12.5). The livers were dissociated by incubating with 0.2% trypsinCwashing medium (DMEM/F12 containing 5% fetal bovine serum) on ice for 30 minutes and shaking at 37C for 15 minutes. After pipetting and wash, cells were triturated and exceeded through 40 m nylon meshes to obtain a single-cell suspension. Isolation of non-hematopoietic liver parenchymal cells Fetal liver Rabbit Polyclonal to SNX3 cells were incubated with biotin-conjugated anti-TER119 (BD Biosciences) and biotin-conjugated anti-CD45 (BD Biosciences) antibodies on ice for 30 min. After wash, cells were reacted with Streptavidin Particles Plus (BD Biosciences) on ice for 30.
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