Therefore, there is a possibility that other serum proteins, such as 2-microglobulins and immunoglobulins, might affect elevations of -globulin in dogs with pyometra

Therefore, there is a possibility that other serum proteins, such as 2-microglobulins and immunoglobulins, might affect elevations of -globulin in dogs with pyometra. concentration of single acute phase proteins (APPs). By SPE analysis, decreased levels of albumin and elevated levels of 2-globulin and -globulin were noted in dogs with pyometra. In addition, the concentration of APPs, including the C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), and haptoglobin (Hp), were also elevated in dogs with pyometra. The present study provides fundamental data for inflammatory indicators of canine pyometra. = 4), Maltese Sulfosuccinimidyl oleate (= 2), Yorkshire Terriers (= 2) and Shi-Tzu (= 1). The mean age of dogs with pyometra were 10.1 (range 6C15) years and dogs with pyometra belonged to four different breeds: Maltese (= 2), Shi-Tzu (= 2), mongrels (= 2) and Yorkshire Terrier (= 1). Using SPE, serum proteins in both dogs with pyometra and control dogs were separated as five fractions of albumin and 1-, 2-, -, and -globulins (Physique 1). The quantity of each fraction was calculated as the percentage of the fraction in SPE multiplied by the total protein level measured using the chemistry analyzer. Serum protein levels obtained by SPE in control dogs and dogs with pyometra are shown in Table 1. Among fractions in SPE, significantly reduced albumin and elevated 2- and -globulins were found in dogs with pyometra compared to the control dogs (Physique 2). In addition, the concentration of APPs in control dogs and dogs with pyometra is usually shown in Table 2. Significant elevation of the concentrations of CRP, SAA, and Hp were observed in dogs with pyometra (Physique 3). Open in a separate window Physique 1 A representative agar gel electrophoretogram in control dogs (A) and dogs with pyometra (B). Table 1 Serum protein levels in control dogs and dogs with pyometra separated by serum protein electrophoresis (mean standard deviation). = 9)= 7) 0.05; ** 0.01. Table 2 The concentration of acute phase Rabbit Polyclonal to EGFR (phospho-Tyr1172) proteins in control dogs and dogs with pyometra (mean standard deviation). = 9)= 7) 0.01). Discussion In the present study, reduced levels of albumin, elevated levels of 2 globulins -globulin and increased APP concentrations were noted in canine pyometra. Reduced albumin and elevated 2-globulin are characteristic features Sulfosuccinimidyl oleate of acute phase response, as described in our previous study on canine acute pancreatitis (19). Around the other hands, elevated -globulin levels in canine pyometra might be related to concurrent infections. Inflammatory diseases concurrent with infections might lead to elevated – and -globulins as a result of elevated serum proteins, such as 2-microglobulin, which shows potent antibacterial activity (10). In addition, a previous study on canine pyometra reported elevated 2-, 1-, 2-, and -globulins, suggesting elevation of both immunoglobulins and APPs (21). Therefore, there is a possibility that other serum proteins, such as 2-microglobulins and immunoglobulins, might affect elevations of -globulin in dogs with pyometra. Future studies to confirm the concentration of a single protein, such as 2-microglobulin and immunoglobulin, will provide further understanding of the elevation of -globulin in dogs with pyometra. Elevated APPs, including CRP, SAA, and Hp, were also detected in the present study, in accordance with Sulfosuccinimidyl oleate previous studies (13, 14, 22). CRP and SAA, which are major APPs released rapidly from the liver during the early stage of an acute phase response, increase markedly in canine pyometra (13, 14). In particular, a recent study reported that SAA was significantly higher in septic dogs with pyometra compared to non-septic dogs and could be a useful marker of sepsis (22). In addition, Hp is associated with the expressions of interleukin-6, interleukin-1, and tumor necrosis factor. Elevated Hp in pyometra has also been reported, suggesting Hp as a good candidate for monitoring inflammation in canine Sulfosuccinimidyl oleate pyometra (2, 13). Consistent with previous studies, the present study also revealed elevated APPs, and therefore, CRP, SAA, and Hp might be useful inflammatory indicators of canine pyometra. A potential limitation of our study was that serum proteins were only collected at initial presentation. The real onset of the inflammatory phenomenon was thus difficult to determine..