This figure demonstrates the ease with each mutant are selected for each antibiotic. observed. Antibiotic resistance was mainly related to target mutations and overexpression of efflux pumps, which might underlie microbiological failures during treatments. is the causative agent of Carrions disease, a biphasic endemic illness of the Andean valleys. In the acute stage (the so-called Oroya fever) severe haemolytic anaemia is present, resulting in 40C85% of deaths in untreated people and decreases to around 10% if correctly treated1,2,3. In this stage the presence of concomitant infections such as bloodstream infections, among others1,4,5,6, are frequent due to the temporal immunosuppression induced by clinical isolates are scarce11,12. To date, only constitutive nalidixic acid resistance and related diminished fluoroquinolone susceptibility have been reported in association with the presence of an Ala as WT amino acids at positions 91 and 85 of GyrA and ParC, respectively13,14. These characteristics are extended to Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride other members of the genus13. Additionally, relatively high Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) levels of clindamycin and colistin12, have been observed as well as sporadic isolates presenting resistance to CHL or CIP and a trend towards diminished susceptibility to aminoglycosides11,16. Moreover, resistance to different antimicrobial agents, including coumermycin, CIP, RIF and erythromycin, has been described17,18,19. However, these studies were developed using either the KC583 or KC584 strain alone, being limited to the analysis of point mutations, and to date, no study has determined the role of efflux Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride pump overexpression or the stability of the antibiotic resistance selected. Analysis of obtained mutants may provide information in order to better understand antibiotic-resistance acquisition and evolution. The aim of this study was to develop and Cd69 characterise a series of antibiotic resistant mutants and determine the presence of target mutations, the role of efflux pumps as well as the stability of selected resistance. Results Development of antibiotic-resistant mutants The time required for bacterial lyophilised reactivation varied from 5 weeks (strains 57.19 and 57.20) to 9 weeks (strain 57.18). Interestingly, strain 57.18 showed an initially different morphology, coinciding with the previously described T1 morphology20, although this reverted in the next passage (Fig. 1). Open in a separate window Figure 1 Colony morphology.The photograph shows presenting T1 colony morphology20. The colony is characterised by a small, translucent round morphology, with a regular edge and a small halo. The colonies present a bubble in the center of the colony. The morphology was unstable and disappeared after reculture. The development of the antibiotic-resistant mutants required approximately 18 months, therefore, Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride 4 antibiotic-resistant mutants were obtained from each parental strain, one for each antibiotic included in the study. The first antibiotic to generate inhibitory halo 0?mm was RIF, with only 4 passages to obtain confluent growth (strain 57.19). However, overall, the antibiotic requiring the least number of passages to generate confluent growth was CIP with a mean of 10.6 passages. On the other hand, CHL required 37.3 passages (Table 1). Thin growth was observed inside the halo recorded during the process of mutant selection of 57.20Azm. Thus, after the initial 35 passages, most antibiotic-resistant mutants showed confluent growth in the presence of the antibiotic disc (inhibitory halo 0?mm) except for two out of three mutants selected with CHL, which presented inhibitory halos of 18?mm (57.18Chl-35) and 32?mm (57.20Chl-35). After 5 additional serial passages (total: 40 passages), 57.20Chl-40 achieved a halo of 0?mm, while 57.18Chl-40 remained with an inhibitory halo of 18?mm (Fig. 2). Open in a separate window Figure 2 Evolution of disc diameter halo during serial passages.(A) Azithromycin, (B) Chloramphenicol, (C) Ciprofloxacin, (D) Rifampicin. This figure demonstrates the ease with each mutant are selected for each antibiotic. The halo diameters (measured in mm) are reported every 5 passages or at the passage in which halo zero was obtained. In (B) is clearly visualised the difficulty with which resistance to chloramphenicol Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride (CHL) is developed. Table 1 Number of passages needed to obtain confluent growth. gene. Mutants in which cross-resistance to other antibiotics were observed are in underlined font. The final MIC of the antibiotic used in the mutant selection is shown in bold. 1Minimal Inhibitory Concentration. 2Macrolides and Amphenicols. 3Efflux Pumps Inhibitors. 4Phe-Arg–Naphtylamide. 5Artesunate. Interestingly, analysis of the stability of the resistance obtained showed that all RIF selected mutants were stable, as were 57.18Azm-5St and 57.18Cip-5St. Two strains (57.18Chl-5St and 57.19Chl-5St) returned to the parental MIC levels, while the remaining isolates showed intermediate MICs between parental and final mutant.
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